how to remove limescale from granite

How to Remove Limescale from Granite or Marble Countertops

Cedric Mattock

Owner & Managing Director

The chalky white build-up left behind on sinks, shower screens and worktops is a common problem in the UK. Limescale is a bigger problem in hard water areas and situations where cold water is heated and then allowed to cool, such as kettles and hot water supply tanks.

The build-up of limescale is unsightly and can impede the function of domestic machines so most people will want to remove it from their granite tiles or marble worktops. Continue reading for our cleaning tips on how to remove stubborn limescale from granite countertops or marble countertops, or if you’re wondering how to remove hard water stains from marble.

Dos and Don’ts for Removing Limescale

Don’t Use Vinegar or Lemon Juice

Limescale is mainly Calcium Carbonate, which can be easily dissolved by mild, food-safe acids like kitchen vinegar or lemon juice. While this is great news if you want to clean your kettle (just fill the kettle with vinegar and leave it to soak overnight) these home remedies shouldn’t be used on worktops or on any stone with a high-gloss finish.

This is important if you have a marble worktop as Calcium Carbonate is also one of the substances that make up Marble! This is one reason you have to be careful when using products that remove limescale deposits on natural stone. It’s important to note that even a strong cleaner that dissolves limescale can also damage a marble worktop, so please speak to an expert if you’re unsure.

High-gloss finishes in any stone can be dulled by acids and strong cleaners, as they create micro-abrasions on the surface. This means that even though you can’t feel or see any damage, a dull patch can appear.

On Granite worktops, vinegar can be used as a cleaning agent but make sure you do a test before using it as a general cleaner. The rule is to check any natural cleaners for kitchens and bathrooms to be sure.

Do Use a Specialist Cleaner for Natural Stone

For the best results when removing limescale from Granite countertops and marble surfaces, use a good cleaner that is specialist for your type of surface stone. This is vital when you have a marble or granite worktop or tiles as some cleaners can cause damage meaning these stones won’t last as long as they should. These stones are durable but they should be cared for to extend their life and keep them looking as good as new.

Don’t Chip Limescale Off

Don’t try to chip Limescale off as any tool that can remove limescale is likely to damage the surface beneath it.

This applies equally to stone tiles as to a linoleum counter – limescale is tough and this solution could end up causing more damage rather than fixing your issue. Always use a specialist cleaning product to remove limescale effectively instead.

Do Polish

Having worked on a limescale-ridden area on a bath or counter once you have polished your granite worktop you’ll often notice a slight difference in colour afterwards.

This is simply an optical illusion due to focussing on one area for so long, but if you’re worried giving the whole worktop a clean and a polish (using an appropriate polish) can work wonders and give the surface a brand-new feel. This is as true for (dare we say it) wood or ceramic as it is for our own favourite stones.

Do Regularly Clean Your Surface

Using granite cleaner reguarly is the best solution for removing limescale from your worktop. It may be too late, but it’s easiest to tackle limescale when the build-up is small.

Drying areas that regularly get wet (such as around taps) can prevent the problem from getting worse, and regular cleaning (with a scrubbing brush if necessary) can remove small amounts of limescale which will avoid the need to spend long periods of time removing limescale from your marble or granite surface.

Remember to wipe up water spillages off of your surface too to protect Granite countertops and marble worktops from limescale build up. Simple steps such as drying water spillages and regularly cleaning can reduce limescale buildup, protecting your surface in the long run.

If you’re looking for help on how to remove limescale from granite countertops or marble tiles, speak to one of our experts at Surrey Marble and Granite. Our team can offer advice on the best cleaning products to use on each surface, as well as offer general care advice to ensure your stone lasts.

We’ll also be able to advise you on options if you believe the Limescale damage is too great. If you’re interested in replacing your worktop or tiles, you can view our wide range of marble and granite stone collections below or book an appointment to visit our showroom.

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Cedric Mattock

Owner & Managing Director

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